Review about ManAl-Sharif's video
The video shows a woman in a conference, telling her histoy about her fight in saudí arabia to encourgae the women of the country to drive in cars. That isn't allowed by the saudí arabia goverment, and the social view about it( mostly of men), is also reticent to considerate that is well that women can drive in cars. For me, is only a problem that reveals something deeper: that the stricts ways of life that have remained in those kind countries are beggining to die, in favor of a more liberal ways of life. But this is a slow procces. As the woman in the conference said: "there are two parts in the world: one is saudí arabia in wich is not allowed for women to drive a car, and then is the rest of the world where all the countries have their women driving. For one who lives in a more liberal country, which is not so delayed in terms of equall rights between men and women, is it a shock to discover that this situation “is a situation”, but the religion of saudí arabia must be very implemented on people’s head of saudí arabia to considérate to break a law. My opinión is that the woman of the video had to be very strong to fight the social beliefs and the political beliefs of a whole country against her. She find more support from the people outside that nation than on his own country. She won, she “broke a taboo” as she said, but she’s thinking and acting like a “liberal globalized girl” and other people in saudí arabia country maybe are not so globalized, so i think that the predicment that says that globalization has reached all places and people in the world isn’t that right.