jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Write about a family meal you remember.
When it was,
Who was there,
What you were celebrating,
What things you remember.

Well. Tha last time i remember had sit with my family for a meal, was the last year on the national holiday. Was a great reunión that time because of the great amount of food and also because i was sitting with relatives that i have never sit on a celebration like that, i mean two of my uncles( brothers of my dad) and a cousin that a dont see too often. Besides of them were also my mom, my dad, my brother, my grandmother and of course my two dogs of the time( Romeo and Kako, the last one recently passed away). My dogs enrolled on a brief fight for a piece of meat and i had to stop them throwing Romeo a glass of Coke to his face. I eat a lot but i don´t regret cause i love the food, and because of that the national holiday it’s by far, my favorite date of each year. The only bad thing of a great celebration like this one, is that it gets very difficult to reconnect with the routine when the days of celebration had already gone. But well, that’s it. I expecting with anxiety the next one.