jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Write about a family meal you remember.
When it was,
Who was there,
What you were celebrating,
What things you remember.

Well. Tha last time i remember had sit with my family for a meal, was the last year on the national holiday. Was a great reunión that time because of the great amount of food and also because i was sitting with relatives that i have never sit on a celebration like that, i mean two of my uncles( brothers of my dad) and a cousin that a dont see too often. Besides of them were also my mom, my dad, my brother, my grandmother and of course my two dogs of the time( Romeo and Kako, the last one recently passed away). My dogs enrolled on a brief fight for a piece of meat and i had to stop them throwing Romeo a glass of Coke to his face. I eat a lot but i don´t regret cause i love the food, and because of that the national holiday it’s by far, my favorite date of each year. The only bad thing of a great celebration like this one, is that it gets very difficult to reconnect with the routine when the days of celebration had already gone. But well, that’s it. I expecting with anxiety the next one.

jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

My Winter break

In my Winter break i did almost nothing interesting. I spent most of the days trying to learn a song in my acoustic guitar. For my joy i could learn that song. When i was out, i usually went to see my dad, my grandmother and my uncle. My friends who have family on another cities, travell out of Santiago to meet with their parents and brothers. So that means that i didn’t party too much. The only remarkable thing that i did on this vacation was going to the cinehoyts and see the film “the dawn of the planet of the apes”. That was important because were too many years since i had’t gone to see a mainstream movie. I like other kinds of movies like the arthouse films. I enjoyed going to the cinehoyts, because i understood that sometimes is good to break your own rules about doing certain things, at least sometimes, if you are to bored and with nothing to do. And also was a good time spent with my mom, because since i am each year older, i dont usually spent too many time with her, so the experience was interesting. So that was very very remarkable

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

The education in  chile
About the education in Chile i think that it  needs changes inmediately. The discussion now is the role of the state in this matter. Some people think that the solution to the problem is by  making free the global of the education in Chile. Other people think that that’s not enough and the quality of the education is more important to find out why the education in Chile is suffering a crisis. I think that you need a mix of these  two positions. I think that definitely the education should be free for all the social clases, and i think that putting together kids of diferent realities is not a bad idea, but it must be done from the very begginning, that’s a way of equalization between people. Another concern is about the quality of teacher, i think they must make improve over all the pupils in the class, and win the confident of all of them. My experience in the school was seeing many teacher idolizing some students but not caring attention to the rest of the class. Now, about the universiy life i think that the so called “public universities” are not so public as the say, because even when its true that the institution give many facilities respect the tuition, also its true that many of this facilities keeps many ittle details that in the end cost money to the students pocket. There are many cases of people with millionaire money debts, after they finish their careers. This happens most in the private universities. People have struggles with the PSU too, and many who wish to study in a good university can’t do this because of the family problems, and money problems. I think that the selection must be vanished in the country in any case possible.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Review about ManAl-Sharif's video

The video shows a woman in a conference, telling her histoy about her fight in saudí arabia to encourgae the women of the country to drive in cars. That isn't  allowed by the saudí arabia goverment, and the social view about it( mostly of men), is also reticent to considerate that is well that women can drive in cars. For me, is only a problem that reveals something deeper: that the stricts ways of life that have remained in those kind countries are beggining to die, in favor of a more liberal ways of life. But this is a slow procces. As the woman in the conference said: "there are two parts in the world: one is saudí arabia in wich is not allowed for women to drive a car, and then is the rest of the world where all the countries have their women driving. For one who lives in a more liberal country, which is not so delayed in terms of equall rights between men and women, is it a shock to discover that this situation “is a situation”, but the religion of saudí arabia must be very implemented on people’s head of saudí arabia to considérate to break a law. My opinión is that the woman of the video had to be very strong to fight the social beliefs and the political beliefs of a whole country against her. She find more support from the people outside that nation than on his own country. She won, she “broke a taboo” as she said, but she’s thinking and acting like a “liberal globalized girl” and other people in saudí arabia country maybe are not so globalized, so i think that the predicment that says that globalization has reached all places and people in the world isn’t that right.    

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014


Movie Review


Name of Movie: Earth 2100___________________________________



Describe/list/ outline the main themes of the movie.  (50 words)


This movie’s about what’s going to be the earth by the year 2100. By experts who appears in the movies, all the problems generated by human race on the earth (climatic change by example) are occurring simultaneously and the different government countries haven’t faced all the best they can do.



Write a review (200 words) of the video.  Highlight the importance of the movie’s information/ themes/ topics to your own personal experience and professional perspective.

Maybe the movies is exaggerating with entertaining purposes, but nevertheless its well-known by many of people who have a certain amount of knowledge of the dangers of climatic change that very of the facts described in the movie are possibly to be real. But to me, by the year 2100, the earth isn’t gonna be in the way the movie describes because I think it took more years to destroy a planet than the years the movie predicts. But I agree that one of the solutions that the movie proposes is reduce the levels of production of the factories around the world, but that is difficult given the human nature of consuming things even when they don’t need more of the things they are consuming. If the people consume less the factories would leave producing on the level they do and this maybe would generate a kind of equilibrium for the global ambient. Another fact that this movie proposes is about the oil and how this is getting more and more expensive to the people who drives automobiles, trucks and other stuff because the resources of these are running out. I agree with that idea because statistics support it strongly






List a minimum of three facts, pieces of important information or “other” from the video that you would like to remember and would want to tell a friend about.



1. The theme of the oils and fuel getting expensive and that the reserves of these resources are running out.



2. The fact that the global population is reticent to face the fact that the climatic change is a subject to be treated and NOW!!!



3. The problem that concerns about the desires of countries of getting the economic development and how that is versus the idea of protecting the planet earth of the levels of contamination that generate business factories.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

My Vacations.

Hello my name i Diego Escobar i´m 20 years old and i study geography in the “universidad de chile”. On my holidays ( wich started when i finished  the academic year and i passed the only one exam i had to do to approve geology) i ironically spent my time working on a restaurant called schopdog wich was a very bad job because of  the  boss i had, who was a very annoying  person and a little scoundrel. I worked as a part time, but  it sometimes looked as full time job because of all the things i´ve had to do( being a butler, clean the floor,clean the bathroom, etc) when i got to the day of the interview with the big man, i was only supposed to being a garzon but clearly he didn't tell me all the true. And the didnt pay me enough considering the multiple thing i had to do while i was there. Nevertelles i only spent one single month there, so, at the moment  that experience does’t represent a big trauma for me. In the next mont january i decided to stay in my home and take finally a break. With the money i won working i bought a pair of humbucker’s pickup to put them on my electric guitar. A luthier did that job and when i got my guitar with the pickups, i was ready to start playing again as i hadn’t done since months. Besides playing guitar on the loneliness of my home ( my fathers had gone to europe) i joined a few times with my friends to spent a good time (mostly drinking beer, talking a lot about politic and eating barbecues). Also i searched for musicians to start a band. This proyect is still in progress because despite i find a bass guitar player and a guitar player (who both of them joined to me) we still  havent got a drummer. Well...Despite i didn't did so many things on my vacations, i fell them too short.